The database is a collection of meta data of the four organisms in this project. It includes information on their location, genetic traits, and pathogenicity generated by the various project organizations and collaborators. We show you here how the project data is utilized in the BioSAFE database server. Also below is an information flow diagram to show how the database links to the Decision Support System (DSS) that displays the risk assessment, economic consequences and mitigation strategies for a queried sample.

BioSAFE database server

The BioSAFE database server contains genetics data on Asian Longhorned Beetle (ALB), Dutch Elm disease (DED; Ophiostoma), and Asian Gypsy Moth (AGM) along with their related genera. This data fuels our Mycorrhiza population assignment predictor, which can be used to assign new samples to their most likely population of origin based on their genotype. Our group also took an exploratory approach to collect and build on existing data by collecting and curating fungi trophic level information and from the literature, coupled with associated genomic information MycoCosm to develop a fungal lifestyle database. 

The server will be available for public use in the future but for now, it will be password protected and available only to collaborators. Keep an eye out on the site’s “What’s New” tab for when the server will be released for public use and please contact us if you require additional information.


Access the database

Access the database

Access the database

BioSAFE Information Flow Diagram

What's new
in the bioSAFE project